Year in Review Highlights and Financial Report 2018/19
CPSU is pleased to release our year in review and financial report for the 2018/19 FYTD with a small surplus $587,663 (2018: $395,109) and member funds growing to $4,324,554 (2018: $3,736,891). During the year the union continued to represent members in both an individual capacity, collectively, and in policy development forums. Union staff and Officials have been involved in a range of Government initiated social policy Committees and Taskforces such as the NDIS Implementation Taskforce, Public Sector OHS Leadership Round Table, Victorian Government Skills Commission Industry Advisory Group and the Social Services Taskforce overseeing the implementation of the Royal Commission’s Recommendations in relation to Family Violence.
CPSU was also invited to join the Emergency Worker Harm Reference Group looking at Government responses to occupational violence in several program areas against public sector workers.
As the transition from Disability Services to the new Commonwealth NDIA picked up speed as June 30th loomed the union worked with DHHS and the members to either assist in transitioning to the NDIA or to be redeployed into other positions within DHHS or broader VPS.
The union continued to work on the cadetship scheme in the VPS in partnership with the Victorian Government with 21 cadets graduating during the year and a further 56 new cadets commencing in the second round. During this reporting period the third and final tranche of the program for cadet intake commenced bringing the total number of cadets participating in the pilot to 136.
The union also commenced a secure employment campaign utilising the clause in the VPS EBA with a view to having casuals and fixed term employees converted to ongoing. The campaign was also designed to highlight the misuse by the Departments and Agencies of consultants and Labour Hire staff to fill ongoing VPS roles, costing the State millions of dollars. Discussions also commenced about the idea to develop a Victorian Public Service Skills Exchange and a micro credentialing pilot program was agreed to be established.
CPSU successfully negotiated an agreement with First State Super on the long-term lease of the Land Titles Office with all jobs protected, guaranteed pay rises locked in and protections for staff moving across and for those staying with VPS.
Pay rises flow through on 1st July for members in a range of agencies under our Agreements.
CPSU supported the ICAN campaign for Australia to sign a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
Activities 2018/19
- The branch played an active role in the ACTU Change the Rules campaign including participating in the major rallies across Victoria, with the Secretary speaking at both Melbourne events.
- The union commenced negotiations for an internal skills exchange with in the DHHS to facilitate the movement of staff affected by commencement of NDIS in Victoria.
- CPSU closely monitors the progression of the clean-up of the workplace and the displacement of members after the fire at 8 Nicholson Street. CPSU OHS officers are being briefed regularly by the department as well as the employees.
- CPSU and DHHS sign a Memorandum of Understanding about the transition of employees within the department over the next two years because of disability services transferring to the NDIS and the union commences an email information forum to keep affected staff up to date with issues regarding the impact of the transfers which will see DHHS lose up to 40% of its business.
- CPSU receives advice from Government to Integrate PTV & VicRoads into DoT forming a Mega Agency within the department.
- CPSU delivers a Regional Mobility Agreement (RMA) support package with Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW), the Australian Workers Union (AWU) and the State Government to address the needs of employees throughout transformation at GMW.
- CPSU engages in facilitated discussions with NGV about the use of overtime, workloads, job security and workplace culture at NGV.
- CPSU commences consultations around a major change process affecting 300 state library employees.
- A new Workplace Protocol for VPS staff between Victoria Police and CPSU is signed which reaffirms agreed guidelines and processes in all Victoria Police workplaces covering unsworn staff.
- CPSU releases a statement regarding its full support of the Independent Review into sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including predatory behaviour, in Victoria Police. The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) is currently undertaking Phase 3 of the review which assesses Victoria Police’s ongoing implementation of the 20 recommendations made in Phase 1, as well as examine its progress towards creating a safe, inclusive organisation for all its employees.
- A pilot to support emergency workers who suffer a work-related mental health injury commences with the first stage involving Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria staff followed by the second stage with SES staff, forest firefighters, public sector nurses and midwives, MFB, CFA ESTA, child protection, state corrections and youth justice staff.
- CPSU launches a recruitment competition for members to get a chance to win a place on the UNAA study tour to New York.
- CPSU, in conjunction with G&C Mutual Bank, continues our tertiary scholarship program, awarding $1,000 per year to support those members and their families attempting a suitable tertiary course with a demonstrated need.
- CPSU members under 35 are provided with a great opportunity to win a place on our delegation at Public Services International’s Asia Pacific Regional Conference in September in Bali.
- CPSU secures funding through the WorkSafe Work Well Mental Health Improvement Fund for a period of three years to develop a Vicarious Trauma Prevention and Awareness Toolkit with pilots to be developed in partnership with Government departments, DJCS and DHSS.
- CPSU proposes a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement a mechanism to regulate the use of the data captured by the LogbookME device which WorkSafe will install in WorkSafe vehicles. Members vote to endorse the MOU
Agreements 2018/19
Arts Centre Melbourne - ACM Enterprise Agreement 2018 is approved by the Fair Work Commission. The agreement will expire on 30 June 2021 and includes 3.25% annual salary increases, backdated to 1 July 2017.
DELWP - Additional Superannuation will be provided to our forest firefighters following negotiations with payments by the Employer increasing to 13.5 per cent superannuation paid on all income for operational staff and for non-operational staff for hours worked in fire response. The increased payments started to accrue from 1 July 2018. The super boost also applies to Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water, DEDJTR and DPC that work as part of Forest Fire Management.
DHHS - Public Health - Dental Therapists, Dental Hygienists and Oral Health Therapists vote for the Victorian Public Health Sector (Dental Therapists, Dental Hygienists and Oral Health Therapists’) Enterprise Agreement 2018-2022 which provides yearly salary and allowances increases of 3% (3.25% for May 2018).
Goulburn-Murray Water - CPSU and G-MW conclude negotiations on a new G-MW enterprise agreement just prior to the state government moving into caretaker ahead of the State Election. Staff vote ‘yes’, for the proposed agreement, which will last for 18 months and includes a 3% pay increase from Nov 2018 and another 3% pay increase from July 2019.
State Trustees - Employees working at State Trustees vote on the new EBA for improvements including 16 weeks paid parental leave and improved partner leave, pay increases of 3.25% per year with backpay to 1 October 2017 and NAIDOC and improved cultural and ceremonial leave.
Victorian Public Service - CPSU successfully concludes an industry wide outcome for employees after four years providing common employment related policies, aligning 40 employer agencies across the Victorian Public Service covering 40,000 employees in our Industry. VPS Employers have been provided with training and notice and these common policies are applicable now. The ‘Towards Common Policies’ project acknowledges Government is an Industry Employer and that machinery changes can be made. It recognises that employees seek advancement through career promotion across the Government’s component agencies without having different employment policies or practices applying.
The State Government announces it will waive the 12-month continuous service qualifying period for accessing paid primary and secondary caregiver parental leave entitlements from January 2019 as a gender equity initiative ahead of bargaining for the next VPS Agreement in 2019.
Union details
The union recruited 2392 new members during the 2018/2019 financial year.
We received 215 notifications of change and opened 1160 new cases on behalf of members comprising of 649 standard cases, 449 “enquiry” cases (email, phone & walk-in) and 66 WorkCover cases.
The number of full-time equivalents employees at 30 June 2019 was 48.55 (2018: 47.35)
The number of financial members, inclusive of the Retired Officers Division, at 30 June 2019 was 13,768 (2018: 13,532).
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